Mohawk Valley history: June 28, 1902
The Utica Observer, June 28, 1902, Utica, Oneida County, New York
The Close of School–A Variety of News Notes
Poland, June 28 (Special.)–The Poland union school held its first graduating and commencement exercises this week. Rev. C. E. Miller of Herkimer preached the baccalaureate sermon in the Baptist Church Sunday evening. The church was filled with an appreciative audience. Tuesday night an entertainment was given by the school. The program consisted of music, recitations and a flag drill. Every number was nicely carried out, but the flag drill received especial praise. The regular graduating exercises occurred Wednesday evening. Miss Alice Theobald and Miss Lena Newberry, both of Cold Brook, were a testimony for their careful training. Rev. A. J. Marsh presented the diplomas. Hon. A. M. Mills of Little Falls then delivered an address which was brimful of good advice and sound wisdom. The school has been growing for the past few years, and the results obtained are gratifying to both teachers and parents. Principal C. L. Valley has been engaged for another year. Twenty-three dollars was cleared from the school entertainment, which will pay all the commencement expenses, besides leaving a little sum for the benefit of the school.
Source: NYS Historic Newspapers

Poland NY, 1890
Poland, NY, 2023
‘Continue to grow’: Poland celebrates Class of 2023 at commencement
The Poland Central School District celebrated 43 graduates at the Class of 2023 commencement on June 23. The potential weather forced the 89th commencement inside but spirits were not dampened as a crowd packed the gymnasium to celebrate the senior class.
Poland PreK-12 Principal Greg Cuthbertson welcomed the students and attendees and highlighted the accomplishments of the class. His advice for the graduates included valuing relationships and time.
“Continue to grow and be the best version of yourself,” said Cuthbertson.
Class of 2023 salutatorian Seth Walther said the Class was fortuitous to be together.
“We must take our good fortune as the Class of 2023 and do good in the world,” Walther told his classmates.
Class of 2023 valedictorian Natalie Hobin said she is thankful for her time at PCS and trusts there are new memories ahead for all.
“I believe everyone in this class has the potential to create happy and successful futures for themselves,” Hobin said in her address.
Source: Poland Central School
Congratulations to all 2023 graduates!