July 26, 1907: “Women’s Trade Unions”
As reported in the Johnstown Daily Republican, Fulton County, NY
A variety of views as to the future of women’s trade unions was displayed at the recent conventions of leaguers held in the principal cities. It is self evident that the women cannot as speedily attain success as have the men, because they have not the voting power of the men. Unquestionably the suffrage has helped men to make their case heard. Protestants who may keep their mad up until the next election are not to be waved aside.
Even without the ballot the women are finding that the development of unions is a means of progress. Leagues of unions have become necessary and are a step toward the nationalization of interests and efforts. The organization and management of women’s social clubs are object lessons in practical politics for the classes which engage in this work. Working women should not be outdone by women of more leisure and opportunity, for if the ballot is given to the sex it must mean more to the toilers than to those whose interested are mainly social. It is a long way between enthusiasm for a cause in a convention and fidelity to that cause at the polls. this is an important truth for women leaders to learn. They may learn it in local unions and in conventions of federated unions. And failing to get the ballot, they may also learn in these movements of organization and propaganda how to wield for the general good that political influence they undoubtedly have now among their relatives, friends and associates who are already voters.
Source: NYS Historic Newspapers

The sky is now her limit. Bushnell, Elmer Andrews, 1872-1939, artist. Library of Congress.

Women’s Suffrage Exhibit at the Little Falls Historical Society Museum in Little Falls, NY
Interested in learning more about Women’s Suffrage movement? Visit the Little Falls Historical Society Museum located at 319 South Ann Street in Little Falls, or view their online virtual exhibit on Women’s Suffrage. The virtual exhibit offers a writing series, gallery, and timeline beginning with,
Thomas Jefferson’s 1776 Declaration of Independence proclaimed all men as equals, but our Founding Fathers left the horrors of slavery unsettled and the status of women unequal in the United States Constitution. Abagail Adams’ plea to her husband to “remember the women” went unheeded. Visit the Women’s Suffrage virtual exhibit.
Also at the Little Falls Historical Society Museum, learn more about the 1912 Little Falls Textile Strike through their virtual exhibit, or visit the museum today.