World-Renowned Luthier Thomas Lieber Celebrates Bob Dylan in Performance and Conversation at Fenimore Art Museum
“The Spirit in Me Sings”: Luthier Thomas Lieber Explores Bob Dylan & the Creative Spirit
Saturday, July 13, 2024 • 5:30-7:00pm
Fenimore Art Museum Auditorium
$15 members / $17.50 non-members
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COOPERSTOWN, NY — Join world-renowned luthier, Thomas Lieber, on Saturday, July 13, 2024, from 5:30-7:00pm at Fenimore Art Museum for a celebration and exploration of the creative spirit through conversation and song, inspired by the exhibition Bob Dylan Remastered: Drawings from the Road. Bob Dylan continues to be a multi-generational creative force. In the 1960s, his cultural presence became a fundamental archetype, inspiring the children of the era to embrace their own creative spirit and begin the long journey, not knowing the wonders ahead.
The conversation will dive deep, discussing what lies within all of us: the source of our creative power and creative ability, often experienced as a flow of energy. Lieber has written a new song composition for the evening’s presentation entitled “Come Along with Me,” a tribute to Bob Dylan, Leonard Cohen, Jerry Garcia, and others of the generation who brought forth prophetic understanding through song.
Register online: $15 members / $17.50 non-members. For more information, visit
About Fenimore Art Museum
Fenimore Art Museum, located on the shores of Otsego Lake—James Fenimore Cooper’s “Glimmerglass”—in historic Cooperstown, New York, features a wide-ranging collection of American art including folk art; important American 18th- and 19th-century landscape, genre, and portrait paintings; more than 125,000 historic photographs representing the technical developments made in photography and providing extensive visual documentation of the region’s unique history; and the renowned Eugene and Clare Thaw Collection of American Indian Art comprised of nearly 900 art objects representative of a broad geographic range of North American Indian cultures, from the Northwest Coast, Eastern Woodlands, Plains, Southwest, Great Lakes, and Prairie regions. Visit
About Lieber Instruments
Lieber Instruments is a guitar company founded by Thomas Lieber, a designer and luthier, who has been creating guitars since 1971. While still considered new in the industry, Tom became involved with some recording and performance giants. In 1974, while with Doug Irwin, Tom shared design credit for guitars going to Jerry Garcia and Phil Lesh of the Grateful Dead. The following year, also with Irwin, he designed and built a custom bass for Pete Sears, of the Jefferson Starship.
About Bob Dylan Remastered: Drawings from the Road
Remastered celebrates another impressive aspect of music legend Bob Dylan’s creativity: his talents in visual art. A dedicated performer, Dylan started what is known as his “Never Ending Tour” in 1988; between 1989 and 1992, as he traveled through North America, Europe, and Asia, he began sketching glimpses of his life on the road. The resultant pencil and charcoal drawings were a way to “refocus a restless mind,” as Dylan claimed, providing him a new outlet to celebrate the comings and goings of everyday life.
Dylan made three different collections out of the original drawings by “remastering” these works, adding vivid watercolor and gouache to digital enlargements of the drawings to create a new, special edition set entitled The Drawn Blank Series, which is the focus of this exhibition. All three series were first seen in public during an exhibition at the prestigious Kunstsammlungen Chemnitz Museum in Germany in 2007. After one additional show in Helsinki, the works returned to Dylan. Today, The Drawn Blank Series is owned by a private collector while the other two sets were sold to a private gallery. Dylan’s work has been compared to modern masters such as Henri Matisse and Ernst Ludwig Kirchner. His skills as a draughtsman, in keeping with his talents as a songwriter, lie with his ability to tell an engrossing tale through the simplest and most evocative means.
Bob Dylan Remastered: Drawings from the Road features ninety-two unique, original signed works. On view through September 15, 2024.
Sponsored in part by The Clark Foundation and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas O. Putnam. This exhibition was provided by PAN Art Connections.