March 16, 1892
The Gloversville Daily Reader, March 16, 1892, Fulton County, NY
ACCORDING to the report of Hon. A. S. Draper, superintendent of public instruction, for the year 1891, the average daily attendance per teacher in the schools of Gloversville was 46, a greater average than in any other place in the state, the average throughout the state being 38. the Gloversville average for each teacher was three more than in Brooklyn, ten more than in either Albany or Syracuse, and from 11 more to double the number in several other cities.
This great average is certainly to the disadvantage of both teachers and pupils, as the former are overtaxed and the latter surely cannot receive that attention which smaller number under each teacher would receive.
Our schools are fearfully overcrowded and the necessity for a new building is apparent. The board of education recognizes this fact, and have called for an appropriation for a new building. A tax election for this purpose will be held on Tuesday, April 12, and it is to be hoped the tax-payers of the city will appreciate the great importance of the project and give it their hearty support.
To properly educate our children, room and sufficient corps of teachers is necessary. The fact that our present facilities are inadequate is apparent to the most casual observer, and that being the case, the cause of school extension should need no special urging upon the consideration of the thoughtful tax-payer.
Source: NYS Historic Newspapers
The Kingsborough Academy
The Kingsborough Academy was established in 1831 by Rev. Elisha Yale as a private school; it became a public elementary school in 1863. Between the years of 1877 and 1890, the population of Gloversville grew from 4,000 to 13,864. From 1890 to 1950, 90% of all gloves sold in the United States were made in Gloversville.
In 1900, the Academy would be demolished to make way for a new elementary school on the same site.
The building was in use as a school until 1972 when a new elementary school was constructed. That same year, the building was given to the Fulton County Historical Society with the society opening its doors to the public as a museum in 1973. The Fulton County Historical Society and Museum is in the Kingsboro Historic District, and in 1975, included in the National Register of Historic Places.