This day in Mohawk Valley history: September 6, 1901
As reported in the Gloversville Daily Leader, Fulton County, NY
Building the Road.
Work on the new electric railroad to be built between Little Falls and Herkimer, was commenced in Little Falls yesterday afternoon at 1 o’clock at the corner of East main and Alexander streets. The work was under the supervision of Col. Beckwith of the contracting firm of Beckwith & Quackenbush, who cam down from Herkimer to supervise the organization of the workmen. The Cleveland people want the road completed as soon as possible, and it is said that all the local workmen that can be secured will be put to work. It is thought that the local supply of men will not be anywhere near equal to the demand.
Cross Country Run.
Great interest is already being taken in the Johnstown Y. M. C. A. cross country run which will undoubtedly occur this month. the success of last year’s race promises to be duplicated. The race will again be for the championship of the county and open to all runners in Fulton county. Who will carry off the honors this year is at present a mystery and there is an open field for all comers. The athletic committee of the Y. M. C. A. Will soon meet and complete the arrangements and appoint the date, etc. From now on the runners will begin training in an active manner. As is customary a new course will be chosen this year and the second annual cross country run will be such that no runner will have even the advantage of a test of course, as would be the case if the old course was run with those who ran it last year. The entry list is open to all runners in the county, and can be signed at the Y. M. C. A. rooms in Johnstown.