This day in Mohawk Valley history: March 13, 1946
The Freeman’s Journal, March, 13, 1946, Cooperstown, Otsego County, NY
Maple Season Off To Good Start In State
Several Counties Report First Runs of Sap
That particularly American industry—the production of maple syrup—is under way once more on farms throughout New York State.
First runs of sap from New York’s famous sugar maple trees occurred on the same date in widely removed sections of the state, according to reports received by the Department of Agriculture and Markets.
Allegany, Otsego, Cortland, Schoharie and Lewis counties all reported the 1946 maple season was launched on March 4th, with initial runs of sap that gladdened the hearts of producers. The maple season a year ago was the most unsatisfactory on record.
“First real run of maple sap in Allegany county occurred on March 4th,” reported C. R. Harrington, county agricultural agent, “especially in sugar bushes with southern exposure.”
On the same day, Claud Caldwell, a farmer at Harrisville, in Lewis county tapped his maple trees, hanging out 1,500 buckets and obtaining a light run. Paul Dewey of Turin, Lewis county, on that day was hanging 1,200 buckets to supply sap to his evaporator, reported County Agent, W. D. Allen from Lowville.
One producer in Schoharie county told Farm Bureau Agent Joseph Pendergast at Cobleskill he had “a large run of sap” also on March 4 and that fact was relayed to the Department of Agriculture and Markets.
During the ten years from 1934 through 1943, New York produced an average of 766,000 gallons of maple syrup every season. That production mounted to 835,000 gallons in 1944 and then slumped to 280,000 gallons last year in keeping with the drop in all other maple producing states, the result of an early, short and poor season. For years, however, New York has maintained its place as the second largest genuine maple syrup producing state of all. Its annual output is only slightly less than Vermont.
Source:New York State Historic Newspapers