This day in Mohawk Valley history: February 15, 1909
The Johnstown Daily Republican, February 15, 1909, Fulton County, NY
There was a rumor circulated in Gloversville business circles Saturday lacking verification, however, which tends to connect the purchase by A. D. Kibbe of the Kasson one-half interest in the Kasson property on the northeast corner of Main and Fulton streets with a movement, which it is learned on good authority is under way, to erect on the corner lot a palatial structure to be used exclusively by the Fulton County National Bank. It is said Mr. Kibbe acted as agent for the bank in this purchase.
Bank officials were interviewed by newspaper men, but nothing tangible was learned, although they neither denied or confirmed the rumor regarding the erection of a new building for the bank.
Source: New York State Historic Newspapers
The Fulton County National Bank
The Fulton County Bank, the first institution of its kind in the village, was established in 1832 with a capital of $100,000. The first board of directors were James W. Miller, F. W. Miller, John McLaren, jr., R. P. Clark, W. N. Clark, Joseph Blair, Fay Smith, Daniel Christie, Daniel Pot- ter, Duncan McMartin, D. I. McMartin, John McNab, Alanson Judson, Henry Churchill, and Alanson Hosmer. Isaac Lefevre was the first pres- ident, F. W. Miller, vice-president, and John McLaren, cashier. In 1853 the capital stock was increased to $150,000. There is now a surplus of $100,000. Henry Churchill was elected president in 1858. In 1865 the establishment was changed from a State to a national bank, with the title of the National Fulton County Bank.
Today, this wonderfully historic structure is the Fulton Montgomery Chamber of Commerce building.