This day in Mohawk Valley history: February 1, 1888

The Herkimer Democrat, February 1, 1888, Herkimer, Herkimer County, New York


A Brave Soldier and a Worthy Citi­zen Gone.

John J. Hardenbergh

John J. Hardenbergh died at his residence in Little Falls, at 9 o’clock Thursday morning. He had been in delicate health for years, and the im­mediate cause of his death was capil­lary bronchitis. He was manager of the Central New York Telephone Company, and Saturday before con­tracted his fatal cold from riding in a sleigh from Poland to Cold Brook, where he was called on business. Mr. Hardenbergh was born in Fonda 49 years ago. When the war broke out he enlisted as a private in the 44th NewYork regiment (Ellsworth’s,) and for bravery was promoted to the rank of lieutenant. He participated in several bloody battles. At the second battle of Bull Run he was severely wounded in the head by a shell, and in the battle of Gettysburg was shot in the right arm. For the last would, which necessitated a painful surgical operation, he was granted a pension of $24 per month. He was a charter member of Post Galpin, No. 19, and at the time of his death was quartermaster, which office he held several terms. At the grand army camp fires held in this vicinity his genial and familiar face was always noticed. The headquarters of Post Galpin are suitably draped in mourning. A special meeting of the Post was held Thursday evening, and appropriate action was taken on his death. The wife of the deceased died last August, and two daughters, Misses Mae S. and Annie P. Hardenbergh, survive. The funeral was held Sunday, under the direction of Post Galpin, at Emmanuel Church. Mr. Hardenbergh’s life was insured for $2,000 in the Royal Templars of Temperance . His death was the first to occur in this place of that order.

Albert E. Johnson has received a patent on a lawn mower, which it is said by the best mechanics, will outstrip anything now manufactured, on every point. 

Mark’s Mill, Herkimer NY

The new steam whistle on Mark’s knitting mill sounds four notes, and can be heard for miles around. It blows at 6:30 and 7:00 A.M.; 12 M., and 6 P.M., and takes sixty pounds of steam to operate it. There she goes–just listen!

Source: New York State Historic Newspapers