April 12, 1902, The Utica Observer.
Council Accepted the Agreement and Work Will Soon Commence–Aldermen Had an Interesting Little Tilt.
Little Falls, April 12. (Special.)–The Common Council met last night and formally accepted the draft of the franchise for the Utica & Mohawk Valley Railroad Company, the terms of which they had agreed to at last Tuesday’s meeting. It had been rumoured all day about the streets that a charge of bribery would be made by Alderman Creagh against two members of the council in the franchise matter, hence it was a largely-attended meeting, the crowd evidently expecting some sensational developments. Alderman Creagh presided in the absence of the mayor and after the franchise, of which all the terms had been agreed to previously was presented for final action, the vote was five to four, Alderman Creagh and McGinnis still opposing the “perpetual” clause.
On taking the vote President Creagh made an insinuating remark, the only one approaching a charge of bribery. He said he would like to know what “influence had been brought to bear” on some aldermen to have changed their vote on this franchise.
This brought Alderman Cavanaugh to his feet at once and in most angry tones said that if Alderman Creagh had any charges to make he should make them openly and not be sending forth suggestions of the nature of his last remark. Alderman Creagh retorted that he would like to be advised what had changed Alderman Cavanaugh’s opinion on the franchise matter. He said that two weeks previous Mr. Cavanaugh went on record as opposed to granting the perpetual franchise, while now he was one of its strongest advocates.
Alderman Cavanaugh angrily retorted that he was always willing to change his opinion when the city’s interests were benefited thereby. He said that liberal concessions were made to the city by the railroad people and he had been convinced that it was to the city’s advantage to accept the railroad’s liberal concessions. The ended the controversy and the railroad charter was formally ratified, clause by clause. Work will begin at once on the road and be pushed to early completion.
Source: NYS Historic Newspapers