This day in Mohawk Valley history: February 15, 1909
As reported in The Daily Leader, January 27, 1900, Fulton County, NY
Run on Fort Plain Bank.
The Farmers’ and Mechanics’ bank at Fort Plain, had another run yesterday, but the depositors were accommodated as fast as they arrived, and many of the customers after drawing their money immediately returned it to the bank. This was done because it had been falsely rumored that the institution would close its doors. The rumor had its effect, and the bank was prepared for it, and by noon everything was quiet and the flurry at an end. The Farmers and Mechanics’ bank, it is claimed, can get all the money it needs, and a meeting of the directors of the Fort Plain National held last night brought out the news that it would gladly loan the bank funds should a run be experienced. Like advices have been received from a Little Falls and also the St. Johnsullle bank. The scare mostly affected women and people residing in the country. Business men have not withdrawn their money, but on the contrary have offered assistance should it be needed. The bank is carrying but little of the late A. G. Richmond’s paper and is as sound financially as any institution in the valley. The worst is over and the officials and directors are contented.
Source: NYS Historic Newspapers