Art of New York: Annual Juried Art Show
April 10 – Application Deadline
Artists living in New York State are invited to submit entries to the Art of New York: Annual Juried Art Show hosted by the Arkell Museum and Canajoharie Library.
Juror Eden Compton is an artist, instructor, and gallery owner in Saratoga Springs, NY. Accepted works are on display from May 12 through July 23 in the Regional Art Galleries.
Eden Compton
Juror Eden Compton operates a studio and gallery in the Beekman Arts district of Saratoga Springs, NY. She received a BA in Art History from Colgate University with independent courses at the International Center for Photography in NYC. She has studied with Master Pastelist Doug Dawson and taken workshops with a number of nationally known artists. Her work has been included in national juried shows including the Catherine Lorillard Society, Salmagundi Cub in NYC, and the International Pastel Society as well as numerous regional and local shows. She is a juried member of the Degas Pastel Society, Oil Painters of America, Portrait Society of America and an Associate with Distinction of the American Women Artists Association.
Artists living in New York State may enter. Accepted artists and a guest may tour the Arkell Museum with one-day-free admission passes. All artists juried into the show are eligible for consideration for solo Regional Art Gallery exhibitions.
Entries may be in any medium. All work must be original. Maximum height or width for 2D work is 50 inches, including frame. 3D pieces cannot exceed 24 inches in any dimension.
• Best in Show – $300 cash prize, a $100 gift card from Golden Artist Colors and a solo exhibit in one of the Regional Art Galleries
• Two Juror’s Choice awards – $100 cash plus a $100 gift card from Blick Art Materials
• Two Awards of Excellence – a $100 gift card from Blick Art Materials
Delivery and Retrieval of Works
Attach a copy of your entry form to the back of accepted pieces. Artwork should be hand-delivered and must be ready to exhibit; no sawtooth hangers. If shipped, the piece must be securely packed and include a pre-paid return shipping label. The Arkell Museum & Canajoharie Library does not insure accepted work. Artwork may be delivered or picked up by the artist or an authorized representative. Work may not be removed prior to end of show.
Sales: All work in the show must be for sale. No price changes after acceptance. Museum and Library assumes a 30% commission on sales.
Entry Fee: $30 for two entries, $40 for three.
1. Download the entry form.
2. Send one high resolution, jpg or tiff file of each 2D entry, two image files/views allowed for each 3D/sculpture entry. 3 mb image file size limit for each attachment. Label each entry’s image file with TITLE ONLY.
3. Email your images and completed entry form to Include “Art of NY” in the subject line of the email and your name and title of your entry in the body. Incomplete applications will not be accepted.
4. Keep a copy of your application for labeling accepted artwork in the show.
5. Pay With a Credit Card online (button at the bottom of the page) or Pay by check – email images, then mail your completed entry form and check payable to the Arkell Museum to:
Art of New York, Arkell Museum, 2 Erie Blvd., Canajoharie, NY 13317
April 10: Deadline for submissions
April 20: Decision notifications emailed
May 4–7: Delivery of accepted works
May 12–July 23: Artwork on view
July 25–30: Pick up of artwork
Hours: Tues – Fri, 10 AM – 5 PM (extended to 6 PM on Wed);
Sat & Sun, Noon – 5 PM
The Art of New York: Annual Juried Art Show is made possible with generous support from Blick Art Materials and Golden Artist Colors, Inc.