Albany Symphony Orchestra at the Little Falls Historical Society Museum


Friday September 27 was a most interesting and history-making day at the Little Falls Historical Society’s Old Bank Building Museum.

Six musicians and conductor from the Albany Symphony Orchestra, along with vocalist Britt Hewitt and various sound technicians, recorded ORENDA in the museum. Composer Francisco del Pino was also on hand for the entire rehearsal and recording session.The six-piece ensemble performed the same new piece of music outdoors that afternoon at Lock 36 of the old Erie Canal.

Only eight years younger than the 1825 Erie Canal itself, the 1833 Old Bank Building Museum seemed the perfect historic setting for the recording of ORENDA. Inspired by ancient connections in the natural world embraced by our Native American predecessors, this musical creation combines elements past and present as the Canal approaches its third century of operation.

Floating above composer Francesco del Pino’s timeless musical score, Hewitt chanted words from the Haudenosaunee Confederacy’s ancient motto: “good mind, good heart, strong fire.” This commemorative creation also reflects traditionally underrepresented voices, including indigenous people, women, immigrants, and persons of color. Inspired by the interconnectedness of nature and civilization, this unique piece of music was written to be played outdoors, thus welcoming the natural sounds of the environment and creating a full tapestry of sound.

The September 27th musical presentation at Lock 36 was part of a series of performances marking the 2025 bicentennial of the old Erie Canal; other performance locations include Waterloo, Montezuma Wetlands Complex, Lockport Flight of Five, and Schoharie Crossing Park.

The officers and directors of the Little Falls Historical Society wish to express their collective appreciation for having this historical musical creation performed and recorded in the Old Bank Building Museum.